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Understand the new technology trends of comprehensive pipe gallery complete equipment

2023-11-06 08:40:41
Understand the new technology trends of comprehensive pipe gallery complete equipment

The complete set of equipment for integrated pipe corridors refers to a series of equipment, tools and instruments developed and produced to meet the needs of construction, operation and maintenance of integrated pipe corridors. With the widespread application of integrated pipe corridors in various fields, its complete set of equipment is also constantly innovating and developing. This article will introduce the new technology trends of the complete set of equipment for integrated pipe corridors.

1. Unmanned and automated technology

With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, unmanned and automated technologies have been widely used in the complete set of equipment for integrated pipe corridors. Unmanned technologies include remote monitoring, remote sensing, drones, etc., which can improve construction efficiency, reduce labor costs, and reduce the labor intensity and safety risks of workers. Automation technologies include automatic navigation, automatic control, etc., which can replace manual work to complete some repetitive, high-intensity and dangerous work during construction and operation and maintenance, and improve the overall efficiency and quality of the project.

2. Sensors and monitoring technology

Sensors and monitoring technology are one of the key technologies in the complete set of equipment for integrated pipe corridors. Sensors can monitor the operating status, temperature, humidity, pressure, deflection, etc. of integrated pipe corridors in real time, provide real-time data and early warning information for operation and maintenance personnel, help timely discover and solve problems, and improve the operation safety and reliability of integrated pipe corridors. Monitoring technologies include laser mapping, video surveillance, remote sensing monitoring, etc., which can monitor and evaluate the construction and operation process of the integrated pipe corridor in real time and provide data support for decision-making.

3. Digitalization and information technology

Digitalization and information technology are increasingly widely used in integrated pipe corridor equipment. Digitalization technologies include three-dimensional modeling, information management system, BIM technology, etc., which can realize the full life cycle management of the integrated pipe corridor, including information exchange and collaborative work in various stages such as planning and design, construction and operation management, and improve the efficiency and quality of the entire project. Information technology uses technical means such as the Internet and cloud computing to realize the sharing and interaction of integrated pipe corridor data, realize intelligent operation and maintenance, and improve operation efficiency and service quality.

4. Environmental protection and energy-saving technology

With the continuous improvement of social requirements for environmental protection and resource conservation, integrated pipe corridor equipment also tends to be environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Environmental protection technologies include sewage treatment, waste gas treatment, noise control, etc., which can reduce pollution and impact on the environment. Energy-saving technologies include energy-saving equipment and energy management systems, which can reduce energy consumption and waste and reduce construction and operation costs by saving energy and improving utilization.

5. Intelligent and integrated technology

Intelligent and integrated technology is an important direction for the development of integrated pipe gallery equipment. Intelligent technology includes artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, etc., which can realize intelligent monitoring, control and management of equipment, improve the stability and reliability of equipment, and reduce failures and downtime. Integrated technology integrates different equipment and systems to realize data exchange and sharing, improve the integrated operation and collaborative working ability of the system, and improve the overall benefit of the entire project.

In short, the new technology trends of integrated pipe gallery equipment mainly include unmanned and automated technology, sensor and monitoring technology, digital and information technology, environmental protection and energy-saving technology, as well as intelligent and integrated technology. The application of these technologies will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of integrated pipe gallery projects, and also help reduce environmental pollution and waste of resources. With the continuous advancement and innovation of science and technology, the technical level of integrated pipe gallery equipment will continue to improve, making greater contributions to the development of integrated pipe gallery.


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